Djemba-Djemba is fecking awful

Awful player is now also an awful professional. Brought in as one of 900 players signed by Manchester United a few seasons ago in the hope that one would replace Roy Keane, he achieved absolutely nothing before being brought to Aston Villa by David “I’ll show you why Leeds went down” O’Leary. He amazingly managed to match his United achievements of absolutely nothing and has now apparently gone AWOL after Cameroon’s exit from the African Nations Cup.

At least Winston Bogarde showed up for training…

O’Leary said today: ‘We were expecting him back last Tuesday but he has not returned.

‘We have not been able to get in touch with anyone in the meantime to discover where he is at the present time.

‘I cannot speculate on why or what because we have simply not been able to make contact.

‘He has a fair chance of his wage packet being lighter at the end of the month!

‘Ultimately he could be in breach of his contract but that is something for the club to handle if and when it is necessary.

‘We could soon be putting out posters to find out where he is!’

It is estimated that Djemba-Djemba has made approximately 54,315 times your annual wage during his spell in the Premiership.