Who has the most violent fans – not Everton, Liverpool, or Tranmere!

SO who do you think has the most violent, rampantly neanderthal drunkard fans? The Liverpool Echo is reporting that: “The number of football hooligans arrested on Merseyside plummeted last season.” The news that Merseyside has impeccably behaved fans is reflected in new Home Office figures that indicate a rise in football related nastiness nationally but a decline in hooliganism on Merseyside.

Whilst all three Mersey clubs were behaving like well groomed lap-dogs last season, nationally just under 3,800 ne’er-do-wells were taken into custody last season, which marked a increase of 300 on the previous year.

Top of the teams with a definite hooligan element were Leeds United who were the club with the most banning orders, taking them to a HUGE total of 118. Cardiff City were second with 114, closely followed by Millwall with 111 and Stoke City with 102.

Merseyside teams behaving like good boys, Leeds being declared the most vicious for the umpteenth time, any thoughts from those of you who get to these games regularly?