Berbatov is off, so who should Spurs bring in?

The incredible sulk is off for what looks like a good price for Tottenham, but it throws up the question of who (or is it whom? Damn my common ways) Spurs should buy.

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I think Ramos and Levy already know the answer to this. From the day Ramos joined he would have known that Berba was going to do one and he would have prepared for this. According to reports earlier in the season Juande even called the player into his office and told him to jog on, his attitude was not what he wanted in his team no matter how good he is.

Keane, however, was not expected to leave and it is this that has thrown a spanner into the works, although the midfield acquisitions would suggest that Keane’s role was to be very different this season and his loss seems to be already covered.

So who is it that Ramos has told Levy he wants to replace Berbatov? I think Arshavin is well wide of the mark, he may be wanted, but not in this sense. Bent is very much a Ramos player and would have been earmarked straight away, but a proper striker, rather than a Keane-esque player like Arshavin, is needed.

Eto’o is staying at Barca after they realised he is a bit good, but it is David Villa remains a possibility and it is Villa I believe a serious bid will be made for within the week.

What do you lot think?