Genius: Lingerie Football League Kicks Off!

Yes it’s American Football but that doesn’t make it any less of an incredible idea! Surely it’s only a matter of time before something similar kicks off this side of the pond…please! The moment we discover video evidence of this momentous ground breaking sport we will let you know.

More images follow, oh yes more images just for you!

Say what you will about the grueling training, extraordinary pressure and rock-star rewards of football, the Lingerie Football League just does it better.

Click here for amazing shots of the hot ladies in the league!

The ladies of the LFL are ten teams from across the country who compete in football matches for the ultimate shot at facing off against the Superbowl, in their own infamous Lingerie Bowl.

Dallas, Philadelphia, New York and Los Angeles among others submitted their finest looking ladies to tackle the tight ends for the ultimate underwear glory. (Radar Online)