Win Copies Of Football Manager 2012 By Clicking Your Mouse Twice!


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Our lovely friends at Football Manager have given us three copies of the latest version of the game and we are now giving our readers the chance to win them with incredible ease.

Just follow these simple instructions and you could be a winner.

1) Join our Facebook Fanpage CLICK HERE to do so. If you are already a member then you can feel smug about having already performed step one.

2) Facebook ‘like’ this very article. You do that by either ‘liking’ this on the link posted on our Facebook Fanpage or by simply clicking Facebook ‘like’ button at the top of this page (just below the headline).

Simple as that.

You have until Friday 9th of December at 11am (UK time) to perform these two tasks and then we will pick three people at random who have done so.

Just a word or two about the game itself. It’s damned addictive (but in a good way) and it seems that the guys at SEGA just up their game every season, bringing in new features and what-not to maximise your enjoyment. A truly awesome game which will provide literally endless entertainment.