This Mark Lawrenson Pointless answer is the stupidest thing ever, even worse than his penis slip!

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Mark Lawrenson is having a tough old time in 2016.

The bumbling former Liverpool defender slipped up on BBC Sport this weekend when he refered to Everton’s Steven Pienaar as “penis”.

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However, Lawro’s penis slip was not even the most embarrassing thing he did on a BBC broadcast last week!

The 58-year-old appeared on an FA Cup Pointless special on Saturday, in which the contestants were linked to the FA Cup, rather the questions.

In the first round, the footballing quizzers were asked to name a country begging with A, T, L or S.

Up stepped a confident – and somewhat cocky – Lawro…

Lawro then delivered an answer that left his partner, fellow BBC pundit Dan Walker, absolutely stunned.

“Alaska”, chirped Lawro.

When the famous Pointless scoreboard delivered the result, Lawro’s shock was hilarious…

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For those of you that don’t know, Alaska is a state in the USA, not a country.

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