Milner reveals ‘wildest night’ ever & it’s predictably boring

In an interview with YouTube channel Copa90, Liverpool’s James Milner answered a fan question about his “wildest night” ever. His answer was predictably pretty tame, and it wasn’t hard to see where his boring reputation came from.

The former Manchester City man was quizzed by Poet and Vuj, who handed him a question from a Twitter fan. He was asked, “What’s the wildest night you’ve ever had” and surprised absolutely nobody with his answer.

Check out his response from 11 minutes onwards, or keep reading.

He recounts a night when he was in Spain, and his friend brought him to a “fair thing”. He explained how at first nobody was there, but then people arrived, and the next day they went to play golf; a truly wild night.

The England midfielder also reads out some tweets from the Boring Milner Twitter account, and answers a myriad of questions – including one about that time he was famously nutmegged by Lionel Messi.

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The whole thing was generally pretty boring, but bizarrely entertaining too. The boys at Copa90 claim at the end of the interview that Milner is anything but boring, but they were clearly taking part in a different interview.