Man United star Marcus Rashford announces successful effort to provide millions of meals for vulnerable people in the UK

It’s become clear that humans will react very differently in terrible times, and history will judge various actions from this pandemic in different ways.

While some have been desperately trying to distract and lie to protect their own careers, others have used their status to do some good in the world.

Man United striker Marcus Rashford was always a likeable person anyway, but he’s done some incredible work recently in conjunction with Fareshare to provide meals to vulnerable people in the UK.

He recently took to Twitter to announce this impressive landmark in their efforts, and it’s such a good thing to see:

That second point is the most important one to take away from this – there is still so much more that needs to be done and so many different people are affected by this right now.

It seems even more pertinent after The Guardian reported that government were ending a free school meal scheme that could leave 1.3m kids hungry.

The actions of Rashford and everyone else involved need to be applauded, and you can read more information about Fareshare and details on how to donate here.