Gazza seen feeding his new addiction… but fans needn’t worry this time

He remains one of English football’s best-loved players, but Paul ‘Gazza’ Gascoigne has had a checkered life since leaving behind professional football.

A wonderful servant for the likes of Newcastle, Tottenham Hotspur, Everton, Glasgow Rangers and Lazio, Gazza was known as much for his antics as he was for the way he played the game.

Unfortunately, he descended into alcoholism in the aftermath of his playing career and has been in and out of rehab ever since.

Recently, he’s found another addiction, but supporters of his previous clubs need not worry, as this one isn’t likely to do him any harm.

According to the Daily Star, the 53-year-old has decided to get more tattoos as a way of keeping his mind off of going to the pub.

“I’m getting tattoos because I love them and I’ve got […] nothing else to do,” he said.

“If I don’t go to the tattooists, I’ll go to the pub and drink. To be honest, I’d rather go to my tattooist.”

Given his ‘all or nothing’ personality, it wouldn’t really be a surprise to find Gazza covered from head to toe in new inkings in due course.

As long as he remains fit and healthy, however, then good luck to him.