Manchester United and charity hero Marcus Rashford shuts down disgusting reporting over his property portfolio

It really does speak volumes about a country where a young man goes out of his way to put pressure on a government for refusing to help hungry kids, only for sections of the media to feel so insecure that they turn on him and his character.

Marcus Rashford has gained millions of admirers from around the UK in recent months after his tireless campaigning to help feed hungry kids in the country.

It’s extremely important to point out here that the current government voted down plans to extend free meal schemes and also tried to defend their position in the hope it would all go away, so anyone making claims that he should’ve campaigned quietly is immediately wrong.

Rashford is an elite level Premier League footballer so obviously he’s well paid in his role, but he’s been forced to respond after a national newspaper attempted an utterly pathetic character assassination over his investments:

It’s pretty astounding in a way because we’ve seen the same outlet attack young players before for being reckless with their spending and “wasting” it on partying and a lavish lifestyle etc, but here we have sensible investment choices being called out as well.

It takes a special kind of moron to try and denigrate the character of someone who has done more to help the country in a few months than a sitting government has in years, but it can’t come as a great surprise.

Newspapers like this exist to play on people’s fears and try to create division in a country, but at least it shows where their priorities lie.

Rashford has had to fight against a government containing some very wealthy people who also own multiple properties and have wasted millions if not billions of public money on questionable contracts recently.

It’s all one big attempt to distract us all from where the real issues are, and it only strengthens the reputation of Rashford as an action national hero who is using his position to help people who desperately need it.