AC Milan star Zlatan Ibrahimovic continues his crusade against EA Sports for using him on FIFA

The gaming community has been crying out for years for someone to emerge and take on EA Sports, but few expected Zlatan Ibrahimovic to be that man.

Titles like FIFA and Madden have been in decline for years due to the rise of ultimate team and microtransactions. All they need to do is lure idiots in by making ultimate team cards a bit shinier and they keep spending eye-watering amounts of money on it.

It’s really just a glorified form of gambling so it would make sense if the courts finally decided to get involved, but Zlatan appears to be looking for justice of his own after learning how much money is earned by using the rights of him and his fellow pros.

He’s been making a lot of noise about this is recent days, but his crusade continues as he’s taken to Twitter to illustrate the amount of money that EA are making and he wants some of that for himself:

Realistically this probably comes down to money rather than morality, but if it results in changes and games which push boundaries rather than phoning in the bare minimum then it’s still a good thing.