Ed Woodward humiliatingly resigns as Man United Chairman after failed ESL launch

It was clear from the fan reaction that the ESL wasn’t going to have an easy time of things, and it’s immediately fallen apart not long after it was announced.

We can now brace ourselves for a comical set of PR releases where each club will claim they didn’t want to do this at all and how much they love the fans etc etc, but there was no doubts that heads would roll in some high positions after the humiliation here.

Ed Woodward hasn’t been a popular at Old Trafford for a while now and there have been calls for him to go for years, but it appears this is the final straw for him as his resignation has been confirmed:

It’s amazing that it’s taken this to unite the football fans in this country but hopefully something good does come from this, and you can be pretty sure that Woodward isn’t the only one who’s going to fall on his sword after this.