Man United ‘will’ withdraw from European Super League and when official confirmation will be made as Atletico Madrid also follow Chelsea path

Our very own Leah Smith has shared some breaking news on the disgusting plans for a European Super League this evening, Manchester United, Man City Atletico Madrid are in the process of withdrawing.

Less than an hour ago, Dan Roan off BBC Sport revealed that Chelsea were ‘preparing documentation’ to request their exit from the division that would ruin football, Leah has some massive news for us…

Smith reports that United ‘will be withdrawing’ from the despicable plans they officially signed up to on Sunday, adding that official confirmation will be made before Friday.

Leah’s latest bit of brilliant work for us, which can all be found here, adds that Atletico Madrid are now ‘out’, whilst United’s cross-town rivals, Man City, are also in the ‘process of withdrawing’.

See More: (Photo) Man United star Marcus Rashford makes his feelings on European Super League clear

The unity shown by the entire football world, from the real real fans to pundits alike, seems to have done the trick in stopping this disgusting anti-competition league from setting off.

We are in the process of sharing some other exclusive news regarding the European Super League tonight, but for now here are all of the inside details that Leah has found to date.