Former Liverpool star shares controversial Novak Djokovic tweet

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Former Liverpool defender Dejan Lovren has controversially shown his support for tennis star Novak Djokovic.

The 34-year-old has been embroiled in recent controversy due to his anti-vax opinions, which has landed him in trouble with Australian authorities as he’s tried to enter the country to take part in the Australian Open.

Djokovic has openly admitted not to taking the Covid-19 vaccine, despite the pandemic continuing to rage across the world, and it’s fair to say this has not gone down well with most people.

Lovren, however, is supporting Djokovic throughout this saga, tweeting the rather bizarre message below…

“The truth will set you free,” says Lovren, with the hash tag “I stand with Novak”.

We’re not sure exactly what truth he’s referring to here, but we imagine this means the former Reds centre-back maybe isn’t a big believer in vaccines either.

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