Chelsea legend John Terry continues to embarrass himself on social media in attempt to be down with the kids

As a defender for Chelsea and England, he was beyond reproach.

John Terry really was a captain fantastic for his club, and a stalwart when selected for his country.

The word ‘legend’ is bandied around far too often these days, however, it can certainly be applied to Terry.

Now back at the club according to Mirror, Terry is overseeing the next generation of talent at the club’s academy.

He is, unfortunately, taking being down with the kids far too literally.

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As can be seen of late, Terry has been taking his passion for NFT’s to social media.

Let’s be clear. NFT’s or Non Fungible Tokens to give them their full name, are the modern day equivalent of the Emperor’s New Clothes.

They are being sold to the most gullible in society who believe that they are at the forefront of a new phenomenon.

There are some people – Terry included – who are spending ridiculous amounts in order to somehow seem authoritative on a subject that no one really has a clue about.

It’s nonsense dressed up as an uber cool digital movement, and Terry really should know better.

Footballers aren’t generally blessed with the gift of intelligence mind.

A desperate attempt to rope his old team-mates into these shenanigans looks destined to fall flat, and a monkey dressed in a Brazilian kit – designed to represent Willian – is the latest foray into this bizarre cult.