Man United may regret rejecting current Arsenal star four times as a kid

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arsenal holding smith rowe elneny martinelli saka

Gabriel Martinelli was rejected by Manchester United four times as a kid.

Martinelli chatted to The Athletic in an interview, where he revealed he was rejected by Manchester United in four separate trials, aged 13,14,15 and 16.

After these trials, Barcelona also took the Brazilian on trial, but decided not to sign him.

Martinelli continued to push himself in Brazil, before Arsenal scouts Everton Gushiken and Jonathan Vidalle watched him play in the Copinha (an under-20 competition).

Eventually, Arsenal would go on to sign Martinelli but it could have been a very different story for the 20-year-old.

The rise of the Brazilian has been extremely impressive, after having to move to a new country, learn a new language and suffer injury setbacks, we’re starting to see the reason Arsenal paid around £6million (as reported by GOAL) for such a raw, risky prodigy.

Norwich 0-5 Arsenal Gabriel Martinelli
Gabriel Martinelli

Martinelli this season has contributed six goals and assists in 15 league games and has been keeping England international Emile Smith Rowe out of the team at times.

Working under a coach who has faith in young, technical players has certainly helped Martinelli and he’s slowly shaking off the youngster tag and turning into a key player for Arsenal. When forking out large transfer fees on the likes of Jadon Sancho, who haven’t hit the heights expected of them, Manchester United may regret not snapping up a young talent when they had the chance to do so for next to nothing.

More Stories Gabriel Martinelli

1 Comment

  1. I am an Arsenal fan but one thing you must understand man Utd are not gamblers like Arsenal they go for finished product that is why they have won trophies more than Arsenal, I am not saying young players are not worthy to be trusted but not every time you invest in them many have failed also when you see a young good player you will know the passion the commitment he shows will make you know it didn’t take me much time to know that Bukayo Saka will be a very good player when I watch him last four years I was telling one man Utd fan with that it will not take a long time he will be a house hold name in football that is the type players you will invest on just like Alexander Arnold of Liverpool when I saw in one of there march then they introduce him after I watch him I was telling people that Liverpool have gotten a very good defender and today he has proven he is so we are lucky to have all these young players we have now if they can stay together like 2 to 3 years together they will will rule the premiership and the world what they need to do now is avoid temptation because other clubs will come to tempt them there by making some of them to lost focus Bukayo Saka Smith Rowe Martinelli Odegarde Tienery and Tevara should be very careful with their agents to avoid making mistake because of greedy agents

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