Salah required multiple takes to record the heartfelt message for Gaza as he struggled to control his emotions

Salah last week posted an emotional video message urging the world leaders to come together to prevent more innocent souls from being killed.

He also pleaded for humanitarian aid to reach Gaza where the people are in terrible condition.

According to The Athletic that it needed several takes to film the video message because the player was becoming emotional at confronting the implications of the conflict.

The report said:

“Salah is aware of false internet claims that the video was in fact created by artificial intelligence due to its rather stilted and brief nature. In truth, he needed several takes to film the clip after becoming emotional at confronting the implications of the conflict, particularly the impact it is having on children and families whose backgrounds are not too different from his own.”


The report details how Salah had a detailed discussion with his representatives about the developing situation in Palestine.

He wanted to choose his words very carefully such that it does not incite any sort of violence but at the same time focuses on the loss of innocent lives and the need for the humanitarian aid to reach Gaza.

Salah also quietly donated a handsome amount to the Egyptian Red Crescent to help the affected there.