Watch: Manchester United fans will love what Scott McTominay did in stoppage time vs City

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Eagle eyed Manchester United fans have praised Scott McTominay after spotting what he did in stoppage time yesterday.

With Manchester United leading 2-1 and just a few minutes left to play, the midfielder showed incredible sh**housery in an attempt to waste some crucial time.

McTominay was taken off in injury time, with Mason Mount coming on for his place. As he strolled around the ground, behind the Manchester City goal, a long shot from a Manchester United player saw the ball come towards him.

Stefan Ortega raced to get another ball in order to restart play quickly, McTominay grabbed the ball coming at him and threw it onto the pitch to delay the goal-kick.

Watch below:

Elite shithousery from McSauce ??
byu/AJ-Naka-Zayn-Owens inreddevils

Scott McTominay has become a fan favourite at Manchester United

McTominay has had the best season of his career under Erik ten Hag.  He scored 10 and assisted 3 in 43 appearances across all competitions, and was a constant threat for the opposition from the midfield.

He has established himself as a fan favourite at the club with his performances on the pitch, and antics like these will only increase his popularity.


More Stories Scott McTominay

1 Comment

  1. Real Mancurians appreciate people Like Scott because he is Red all through.
    He would bleed Red Blood not Blue for the cause and should like many before him have the privelige of becoming a One Club Man

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